Nintendo has announced its plans for this year’s New York Comic-Con, which kicks off tomorrow at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan.
It’s bringing Wii U, 3DS, and a hint of DS to the show. You’ll be able to play:
For Wii U
- The Wonderful 101
- Nintendo Land
- New Super Mario Bros. U
- Game & Wario
- Pikmin 3
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge
- ZombiU
- Scribblenauts™ Unlimited
- Rayman Legends
- Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition
For Nintendo 3DS
- Paper Mario: Sticker Star
- Crashmo
- Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion
- Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why’d You Steal Our Garbage?!
- Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
- Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon
- Style Savvy: Trendsetters
- Kid Icarus: Uprising
- New Super Mario Bros. 2
For Nintendo DS
- Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2
Nintendo will also give away four different Paper Mario: Sticker Star stickers. Fans who collect all four are eligible to receive a bonus fifth sticker. The first 400 fans to collect all five will receive a “giant sticker” they can attach to a massive, community-created Paper Mario billboard. Fans can also volunteer to be “sticker-bombed,” meaning, covered in as many Paper Mario stickers as possible.
Tournaments for New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Kid Icarus: Uprising are also planned. Nintendo will run a separate booth (#2921) dedicated exclusively to the events:
- New Super Mario Bros. 2 – Throughout the day, entrants can play through different courses featured in the recently released downloadable Coin Rush mode course packs. High scores will be posted and updated throughout the day. All participants will receive a Gold Mario pin for playing (while supplies last), and the top scorer at the end of each day’s play period will receive a Nintendo 3DS XL system.
- Kid Icarus: Uprising – Throughout the day, up to six players at a time can compete in five-minute Free-For-All rounds. At the end of the qualifying period, the top 12 highest scorers of the day will compete in three rounds of Free-For-All play, and whoever has the highest combined score from those three rounds will be the day’s champion. All participants will receive a Kid Icarus: Uprising Series 2 AR Card pack (while supplies last). The top scorers from each day will receive a Kid Icarus pin. The champion from each day will win a Kid Icarus AR Card Core Set, containing more than 400 cards that have been released to date and a Nintendo 3DS XL system; each day’s second-place finisher will receive a Kid Icarus AR Card Core Set.
Finally, in celebration of this coming Sunday’s Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 launch, Nintendo will host a launch celebration one block north of the Jacob Javits Center at SIR Stage37 at 508 W. 37th St from noon to 8 p.m. Consumers will be able to take Pokemon pictures, obtain the mythical Pokemon Genesect, stare at Pokemon-themed ice sculptures, try out the new Pokedex 3D Pro ahead of its November 8 release, and view a live performance from the Chicago-based band I Fight Dragons.